Wednesday, October 30, 2019
My business planning and presentation experience Essay
My business planning and presentation experience - Essay Example Aimed at working women aged between early 20s to late 40s, the stores would carry the designer outfits of all leading designer labels. As a sole proprietorship firm with a total Capital deployment of 350,000 of which I would contribute 100,000 and rest would be loaned from the bank. Expected the breakeven by the end of the first year Closet expects positive cash flows by the second year onwards. Over 35% of the capital is to be deployed in marketing and promotional activities I have the long term of objective of having a total of The basic idea of Designer Fashion Retail Showroom is acceptable as viable proposition. Because, the demand for designer clothes is always there and the store could maintain its identity as a store that offers a good selection, reasonable prices, a convenient location would attract and keep customers. However, on hindsight it would have been better to go for a larger single store instead of opening three small stores at three different locations all of a sudden. 4. My work experience as a sales person in the Gucci Outlet gave a lot of practical knowledge on how a retail showroom works, how it looks like, how the customers should be treated, what are the things that customers look for etc. which gave me a lot of confidence. 3. My presentation could have been a lot better. ... My work experience as a sales person in the Gucci Outlet gave a lot of practical knowledge on how a retail showroom works, how it looks like, how the customers should be treated, what are the things that customers look for etc. which gave me a lot of confidence. The Weaknesses As realized while making the plan 1. Accounting is not one of my strong subjects and that reflected badly on the financial planning of the project. There were several grey areas in the plan that ought to have been taken care of. 2. Staffing : I paid very little attention to the Human Resource Planning and could not provide a clear picture on how personnel would be recruited, paid and maintained. 3. My presentation could have been a lot better. I did not do my homework on certain aspects such as the financial viability of the project. Especially when asked why the bank would give me a loan for such a big amount I was caught on the wrong foot. Also, I could have included a little bit of meaningful humour in the presentation. The flaws in the project as reviewed 1. The main problem was that three showrooms were planned within the first month of operation. It was a very flawed idea. There was simply no way that I could have managed all three stores. Moreover, this would eat into our resources so much that it was almost like spreading myself too thin. Instead, what would have been a brighter idea to invest in a single, larger, better store. More space means more places for comfort, more places to display the merchandise, more places to keep the stock, more frontages to attract more walk-in customers. And this would also mean that I could be around to meet all my customers and offer my services to them rather than having to run around to all the three stores trying to supervise every little
Sunday, October 27, 2019
IVR Cloud Migration Project
IVR Cloud Migration Project INTRODUCTION The primary objective of the IVR Cloud Migration Project is to Lift and Shift their working Applications into the AWS Cloud Environment. The Lift and Shift of the IVR Applications are recommended to have automation the least amount of human interaction to build and deploy onto AWS Cloud. This document will give a step-by-step process to carry out the task of automating the creation and maintenance of the applications. REQUIREMENTS The IVR Applications require the following resources to replicate and automate the on-premise environment onto AWS Cloud. In the Automation Process, the requirement is to have minimal human interaction and have an automation pipeline from creating a build for the application to creating, deploying and configuring until a running application instance is setup. The tools that are required are as follows: AWS EC2 Instances WebSphere Liberty Profile Jenkins Pipeline CyberArk Authentication Ansible Tower AWS CloudFormation AWS Elastic Load Balancers AWS S3 Bucket ELASTIC COMPUTE CLOUD (EC2) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a virtual computing environment which provides users the platform to create applications and allowing them to scale their applications by providing Infrastructure as a Service. Key Concepts associated with an EC2 are Virtual computing environments are known as instances. Preconfigured templates for your instances, known as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), that package the bits you need for your server (including the operating system and additional software). Various configurations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity for your instances, known as instance types. Secure login information for your instances using key pairs (AWS stores the public key, and you store the private key in a secure place). Storage volumes for temporary data thats deleted when you stop or terminate your instance, known as instance store volumes. Persistent storage volumes for your data using Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), known as Amazon EBS volumes. Multiple physical locations for your resources, such as instances and Amazon EBS volumes, known as regions and Availability Zones. A firewall that enables you to specify the protocols, ports, and source IP ranges that can reach your instances using security groups. Static IPv4 addresses for dynamic cloud computing, known as Elastic IP addresses. Metadata, known as tags, that you can create and assign to your Amazon EC2 resources. Virtual networks you can create that are logically isolated from the rest of the AWS Cloud, and that you can optionally connect to your own network, known as Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). WEBSPHERE LIBERTY PROFILE IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty Profile is a composable, dynamic application server environment that supports development and testing of web applications. The Liberty profile is a simplified, lightweight development and application runtime environment that has the following characteristics: Simple to configure. Configuration is read from an XML file with text-editor friendly syntax. Dynamic and flexible. The run time loads only what your application needs and recomposes the run time in response to configuration changes. Fast. The server starts in under 5 seconds with a basic web application. Extensible. The Liberty profile provides support for user and product extensions, which can use System Programming Interfaces (SPIs) to extend the run time. JENKINS Jenkins is a self-contained, open source automation server which can be used to automate all sorts of tasks such as building, testing, and deploying software. Jenkins can be installed through native system packages, Docker, or even run standalone by any machine with the Java Runtime Environment installed. Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins which supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins. Pipeline provides an extensible set of tools for modeling simple-to-complex delivery pipelines as code. A Jenkinsfile which is a text file that contains the definition of a Jenkins Pipeline is checked into source control. This is the foundation of Pipeline-As-Code; treating the continuous delivery pipeline a part of the application to be version and reviewed like any other code. REQUIREMENTS The Requirements for Jenkins Server includes the following: The size requirement for a Jenkins instance is that there is no one size fits all answer the exact specifications of the hardware that you will need will depend heavily on your organizations needs. Your Jenkins master runs on Java and requires to have the OpenJDK installed on the Instance with the JAVA_HOME path Set. Jenkins runs on a local webserver like Tomcat and requires it to be configured. RAM allotted for it can range from 200 MB for a small installation to 70+ GB for a single and massive Jenkins master. However, you should be able to estimate the RAM required based on your project build needs. Each build node connection will take 2-3 threads, which equals about 2 MB or more of memory. You will also need to factor in CPU overhead for Jenkins if there are a lot of users who will be accessing the Jenkins user interface. The more automated the environment configuration is, the easier it is to replicate a configuration onto a new agent machine. Tools for configuration management or a pre-baked image can be excellent solutions to this end. Containers and virtualization are also popular tools for creating generic agent environments. JENKINS FILE STRUCTURE Jenkins File Structure is a model to automate the non-human part of the whole software development process, with now common things like continuous integration, but by further empowering teams to implement the technical part of a Continuous Delivery. Directory Description . jenkins The default Jenkins home directory. Fingerprints This directory is used by Jenkins to keep track of artifact fingerprints. We look at how to track artifacts later in the book. jobs This directory contains configuration details about the build jobs that Jenkins manages, as well as the artifacts and data resulting from these builds. plugins This directory contains any plugins that you have installed. Plugins allow you to extend Jenkins by adding extra feature. Note Except the Jenkins core plugins (subversion, cvs, ssh-slaves, maven, and scid-ad), no plugins are stored with Jenkins executable, or expanded web application directory. updates This is an internal directory used by Jenkins to store information about available plugin updates. userContent You can use this directory to place your own custom content onto your Jenkins server. You can access files in this directory at http://myserver/userContent (stand-alone). users If you are using the native Jenkins user database, user accounts will be stored in this directory. war This directory contains the expanded web application. When you start Jenkins as a stand-alone application, it will extract the web application into this directory. JENKINS SETUP Jenkins Setup is carried out on a managing server which has access to all your remote servers or nodes. The Process can be demonstrated with a few simple steps. Jenkins has native integrations with different Operating Systems. These are the Operating Systems that support Jenkins are: Solaris 10 Ubuntu Red Hat Distributions Windows UNIX Daemon Docker JENKINS CONFIGURATION The Configuration file for Jenkins is used to make certain changes to the default configuration. The Priority configuration changes are searched by Jenkins in the following order: Jenkins will be launched as a daemon on startup. See /etc/init.d/jenkins for more details. The jenkins user is created to run this service. If you change this to a different user via the config file, you must change the owner of /var/log/jenkins, /var/lib/jenkins, and /var/cache/jenkins. Log file will be placed in /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log. Check this file if you are troubleshooting Jenkins. /etc/sysconfig/jenkins will capture configuration parameters for the launch. By default, Jenkins listen on port 8080. Access this port with your browser to start configuration.Ãâà Note that the built-in firewall may have to be opened to access this port from other computers. A Jenkins RPM repository is added in /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo CREATE A JENKINS PIPELINE The requirement for creating a pipeline is to have a repository with the Jenkins file which holds the declaration of the pipeline. STEP 1: Select New Item from the Jenkins Dashboard. New Item on the Jenkins home page src=> STEP 2: Enter a Name for the Pipeline and Select Pipeline from the list of options. Click OK. STEP 3: Toggle Tabs to Customize the Pipeline to Click Apply. STEP 4: To Build the Job, Click Build Now on the Dashboard to run the Pipeline. ANSIBLE Ansible Tower is the Automation tool used in this project and is a simple tool to manage multiple nodes. Ansible is recommended to automate the deployment and configuration management of the System and its Applications. Ansible Automation can be setup on any machine as it does not require a daemon or database. It will begin with the assigned user to SSH into a host file. This allows the user to run the Ansible script to execute the roles which runs various tasks defined. NOTE: In scope of the IVR applications the ansible script executes multiple roles for the creation of EC2 Instances and the installation of WebSphere Applications. Each of these roles have their very own YAML script to create and populate the instance. REQUIREMENTS The Requirements for Ansible Server includes the following: Ansible Tower Setup requires to be on a Linux Instance (CentOS or RHEL), Linux setup for some basic services including: Git, Python, OpenSSL. Some Additional Requirement: Jinja2: A modern, fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine for Python. PyYAML: A YAML parser and emitter for the Python programming language. Paramiko: A native Python SSHv2 channel library. Httplib2: A comprehensive HTTP client library. SSHPass: A non-interactive SSH password authentication. ANSIBLE FILE STRUCTURE Ansible Playbook is a model of configuration or a process which contains number of plays. Each play is used to map a group of hosts to some well-defined roles which can be represented by ansible call tasks. Master Playbook The Master Playbook file contains the information of the rest of the Playbook. The Master Playbook for the project has been given as Site.yml. This YAML script is used to define the roles to execute. NOTE: The roles in the Master Playbook are invoked to perform their respective tasks. Path = /ivr/aws_env/playbooks/ivr SITE.YML Inventory Ansible contains information about the hosts and groups of hosts to be managed in the hosts file. This is also called an inventory file. Path = /ivr/aws_env/playbooks/ivr/inventory Group Variables and Host Variables Similar to the hosts inventory file, you can also include hosts and groups of hosts configuration variables in a separate configuration folder like group_vars and hosts_vars. These can include configuration parameters, whether on the application or operating system level, which may not be valid for all groups or hosts. This is where having multiple files can be useful: inside group_vars or hosts_vars, you can create a group or host in more than one way, allowing you to define specific configuration parameters. Roles Roles in Ansible build on the idea of include files and combine them to form clean, reusable abstractions they allow you to focus more on the big picture and only define the details when needed. To correctly use roles with Ansible, you need to create a roles directory in your working Ansible directory, and then any necessary sub-directories. The Following displays the Playbook Structure for Ansible. ANSIBLE SETUP Ansible Setup is carried out on a managing server which has access to all your remote servers or nodes. The Process can be demonstrated with a few simple steps. Step I. Login as the Root User on the Instance where Ansible needs to be installed. Use the sudo apt-get install ansible -y command to install the package onto an Ubuntu/Debian System. Use the sudo yum install ansible -y command to install the package onto a CentOS/RHEL/Fedora System. Step II. The Ansible system can connect to any remote server using SSH by authenticating the request. NOTE: Ansible can use ssh-keygen to create a RSA encrypted key and can copy it to the remote server to connect using SSH without authentication. Step III. Create an Inventory file which is used to work against multiple systems across the infrastructure at the same time. This is executed by taking portions of the systems linked in the Inventory file. The Default path for the Inventory file is etc/ansible/hosts. NOTE This path can be changed by using -i which is a recommended option depending on the project requirement. There can be more than one inventory files which can be executed at the same time. The inventory file holds the group names which defines the group of servers that are maintained together. The inventory file needs to be populated with the host IP Addresses that are to be accessed. The inventory file is as follows: Path = /ivr/aws_env/playbooks/ivr/inventory hosts The IVR in the brackets indicates group names. Group names are used to classify systems and determining which systems you are going to control at what times and for what reason. The group name can be used to interact with all the hosts alongside different modules (-m) defined in ansible. Example: ansible -m ping IVR ANSIBLE CONFIGURATION The Configuration file for Ansible is used to make certain changes to the default configuration. The Priority configuration changes are searched by ansible in the following order: Path= /ivr/aws_env/playbooks/ivr/etc/ansible.cfg is the path setup for ansible configuration changes. CLOUD FORMATION AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run-in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you. You dont need to individually create and configure AWS resources and figure out whats dependent on what; AWS CloudFormation handles all of that. CloudFormation Template CloudFormation templates are created for the service or application architectures you want and have AWS CloudFormation use those templates for quick and reliable provisioning of the services or applications (called stacks). You can also easily update or replicate the stacks as needed. Example Template STEPS TO LAUNCH A CLOUD FORMATION STACK Sign in to AWS Management Console and open the Cloud Formation console at From the navigation bar select the region for the instance Click on the Create a New Stack. Choose an Option from a Sample Template, Template to S3 and S3 Template URL Using a template to build an EC2 Instance Enter a Stack Name and Provide the Key Pair to SSH into the Instance. a A Add Tags to the Instance, this also help organize your instance to group with application specific, team specific instances. Review and Create Stack. CloudFormation Stack starts building the stack using the template. In Scope of this Project, IVR Application Instances are build using a Cloud Formation Template and will be triggered using Ansible Role. Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) A load balancer serves as a single point of contact for clients, which increases the availability of your application. You can add and remove instances from your load balancer as your needs change, without disrupting the overall flow of requests to your application. Elastic Load Balancing scales your load balancer as traffic to your application changes over time, and can scale to the clear majority of workloads automatically. You can configure health checks, which are used to monitor the health of the registered instances so that the load balancer can send requests only to the healthy instances. You can also offload the work of encryption and decryption to your load balancer so that your instances can focus on their main work. Ãâà Setting Up an Elastic Load Balancer Step 1: Select a Load Balancer Type Elastic Load Balancing supports two types of load balancers: Application Load Balancers and Classic Load Balancers. To create an Elastic Load Balancer, Open the Amazon EC2 console and choose Load Balancers on the navigation pane. Step 2: Configure Your Load Balancer and Listener On the Configure Load Balancer page, complete the following procedure. To configure your load balancer and listener 1. For Name, type a name for your load balancer. The name of your Application Load Balancer must be unique within your set of Application Load Balancers for the region, can have a maximum of 32 characters, can contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens, and must not begin or end with a hyphen. 2. For Scheme, keep the default value, internet-facing. 3. For IP address type, select ipv4 if your instances support IPv4 addresses or dual stack if they support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. 4. For Listeners, keep the default, which is a listener that accepts HTTP traffic on port 80. 5. For Availability Zones, select the VPC that you used for your EC2 instances. For each of the two Availability Zones that contain your EC2 instances, select the Availability Zone and then select the public subnet for that Availability Zone. 6. Choose Next: Configure Security Settings. Step 3: Configure a Security Group for Your Load Balancer The security group for your load balancer must allow it to communicate with registered targets on both the listener port and the health check port. The console can create security groups for your load balancer on your behalf, with rules that specify the correct protocols and ports. Note If you prefer, you can create and select your own security group instead. For more information, see Recommended Rules in the Application Load Balancer Guide. On the Configure Security Groups page, complete the following procedure to have Elastic Load Balancing create a security group for your load balancer on your behalf. Step 4: Configure Your Target Group To configure a security group for your load balancer 1. Choose Create a new security group. 2. Type a name and description for the security group, or keep the default name and description. This new security group contains a rule that allows traffic to the load balancer listener port that you selected on the Configure Load Balancer page. 3. Choose Next: Configure Routing. Step 4: Configure Your Target Group Create a target group, which is used in request routing. The default rule for your listener routes requests to the to registered targets in this target group. The load balancer checks the health of targets in this target group using the health check settings defined for the target group. On the Configure Routing page, complete the following procedure. To configure your target group 1. For Target group, keep the default, New target group. 2. For Name, type a name for the new target group. 3. Keep Protocol as HTTP and Port as 80. 4. For Health checks, keep the default protocol and ping path. 5. Choose Next: Register Targets. Step 5: Register Targets with Your Target Group On the Register Targets page, complete the following procedure. To register targets with the target group 1. For Instances, select one or more instances. 2. Keep the default port, 80, and choose Add to registered. 3. If you need to remove an instance that you selected, for Registered instances, select the instance and then choose Remove. 4. When you have finished selecting instances, choose Next: Review. Step 6: Create and Test Your Load Balancer Before creating the load balancer, review the settings that you selected. After creating the load balancer, verify that its sending traffic to your EC2 instances. To create and test your load balancer 1. On the Review page, choose Create. 2. After you are notified that your load balancer was created successfully, choose Close. 3. On the navigation pane, under LOAD BALANCING, choose Target Groups. 4. Select the newly created target group. 5. On the Targets tab, verify that your instances are ready. If the status of an instance is initial, its probably because the instance is still in the process of being registered, or it has not passed the Auto Scaling AUTOMATION OVERVIEW There are 2 Parts of the Automation Process which is used To Create a Custom AMI for all IVR Applications To Create Instances for Each Application using the Custom AMI. STEPS TO CREATE THE CUSTOM AMI The process of automating this environment starts from creating a Jenkins Pipeline for code deploy to the application that needs to be build. The Pipeline also needs integration of CyberArk for the Authentication and registering the service account required for the automation. The following process is triggered as part of the Ansible playbook where it performs multiple roles to complete automation of the Application. The Ansible role first calls for a CloudFormation Template. A CloudFormation Template is used to Build a Stack required (EC2 Instance). This template is given the AMI ID of the Verizon standard. The CloudFormation Template after the creation of the Instance triggers a WebSphere Role from Ansible that installs the OpenJDK, WebSphere Liberty Profile, creating a WLP User and Add the Necessary Net groups for the application. An AMI of the Instance at this point is created. STEPS TO CREATE THE APPLICATION INSTANCES The process of automating this environment starts from creating a Jenkins Pipeline for code deploy to the application that needs to be build. The Pipeline also needs integration of CyberArk for the Authentication and registering the service account required for the automation. The following process is triggered as part of the Ansible playbook where it performs multiple roles to complete automation of the Application. The Ansible role first calls for a CloudFormation Template. A CloudFormation Template is used to Build a Stack required (EC2 Instance). This template is given the Custom AMI created for IVR. After the creation of the Instance an S3 Role is triggered from Ansible. The S3 Role Performs the Ansible Role based on the Application Instance. NOTE: An S3 Bucket with folder structure for each application is maintained to keep the updated code and certificates along with other required installation files. IVR Touch Point S3 role fetches the EAR files, configuration files and the certificates in the IVR-TP folder of the S3 bucket and install them on the Instance that is created by the Cloud Formation Role. IVR Middleware S3 role fetches the EAR files, configuration files and the certificates in the IVR-MW folder of the S3 bucket and install them on the Instance that is created by the Cloud Formation Role. IVR Activations S3 role fetches the EAR files, configuration files and the certificates in the IVR-Activations of the S3 bucket and install them on the Instance that is created by the Cloud Formation Role. IVR CTI S3 role fetches the IBM eXtreme Scale Grid Installation followed by Siteminder SSO installation. After the application requirements are fulfilled, the EAR files, configuration files and the certificates in the IVR-CTI folder of the S3 bucket are deployed on the Instance. IVR Work Hub S3 role fetches the IBM eXtreme Scale Grid Installation followed by Siteminder SSO installation. After the application requirements are fulfilled, the EAR files, configuration files and the certificates in the IVR
Friday, October 25, 2019
Genocide :: essays research papers
Genocide After Rodney King was beaten, and the white police officers were aquitted, he said "Why can't we all just get along?" A question asked by many people. Rascist and Genocidal acts such as this have been going on for many years, and should not be tolerated. In international law, the crime of destroying, or committing conspiracy to destroy, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group is known as Genocide. It was defined in the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 9, 1948. The crime of Genocide has been committed or attempted many times in recorded history. The best known example in this century was the attempt by Nazi Germany during the 1930's and 1940's to destroy the Jewish population of Europe, known as the Holocaust. By the end of World War II, 6 million Jews had been killed in Nazi concentration camps. The known objective of the Nazi rule was Jewish extinction. In November 1938, shortly after the assassination of a German diplomat in Paris by a young Jew, all synagogues in Germany were set on fire, windows of Jewish shops were smashed, and thousands of Jews were arrested. This "Night of Broken Glass" (Kristallnacht) was a signal to Jews in Germany and Austria to leave as soon as possible. Several hundred thousand people were able to find refuge in other countries, but a nearly equal number, including many who were old or poor, stayed to face an uncertain destiny. When war began in September 1939, the German army occupied the western half of Poland and added almost 2 million Jews to the German power sphere. Limitations placed on Polish Jewry were much worse than those in Germany. The Polish Jews were forced to move into ghettos surrounded by walls and barbed wire. The ghettos were like jailed cities. Each ghetto had a Jewish council that was responsible for housing, sanitation, and production. Food and coal were to be shipped in and manufactured products were to be sent out for German use. The food supply allowed by the Germans was mainly made up of grains and vegetables, such as turnips, carrots, and beets. In the Warsaw ghetto, the amount of food given provided barely 1200 calories to each inmate. Some black market food, smuggled into the ghettos, was sold at a very high price, and unemployment and poverty were common. The population was large, and the amount of people reached six or seven persons in a room. Typhus became common, and the death rate rose to roughly 1 percent a month.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Real Friendship
Real Friendship Friendship is really hard to find in our lives today, especially in this world because according to us nowadays it is known as the quality or condition of being friends or just simply having a friendly relationship. A friend isnââ¬â¢t someone you randomly meet and know them just for who they are. My belief of a real friend comes as fate. If it is meant to be then it will happen because a true friendship lasts forever through good times and bad times. A friend is someone who is honest and dependable when is needed in certain consequences. That is why I believe in Ciceroââ¬â¢s theories of friendship because a friend is someone who: . Thinks alike. 2. Is honest. 3. And understanding. This essay of real friendship focuses on these three main ideas. Thinks alike. I have a friend who is known to be my best friend since kindergarten. She is humorously been my friend for fourteen years and I hope it continues through out life. But the thing about her is that she is very much like me although our lives are very different according to our families and I am very thankful that she has been able to control her life on her own. Cicero says ââ¬Å"A friend is, as it were, a second selfâ⬠(Cicero, 1971). I consider Ciceroââ¬â¢s theory to be right because according to other friends that I have had in the past have never been even close to what I have with my best friend. The ethical idea or the golden rule, ââ¬Å"Do to others as you would have them do to youâ⬠(Fieser & Pojman, 2009). Applies to my friend and me because we always treat each other with respect and we donââ¬â¢t talk behind each otherââ¬â¢s backs. We treat each other like if we were sisters. Is honest. Being honest is the quality of truthfulness. Honesty is something that should be required in a friendship because you are able to express yourself about anything. I am certain that most people can not accomplish any problems without being honest because if you are not, it just brings more problems into your life. ââ¬Å"Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our griefâ⬠(Cicero, 1971). This quote is very important and meaningful to me considering that my best friend is there for me when I need advice and she is honest with me about it. I would not like for her to be dishonest, due to the choices I can make with her advice, and then she would not be a real friend because I will be making bad choices. In the Core Morality, rule number three is do not lie or deceive. ââ¬Å"Language itself depends on a general and implicit commitment to the principle of truth telling. Accuracy of expression is a primitive form of truthfulnessâ⬠(Fieser & Pojman, 2009). Honesty exists in my friendship and I really appreciate it now that I know what real true friendship is especially because we are moral to each other. Understanding. To know something or someone you must understand it or them. Just like how I know my best friend, she knows me and therefore we understand each other. I treasure our friendship for the reason that it has last so long and how we are uncomplicated. We rarely have any problems with each other, but when we do have problems we fix them as soon as possible. We do not like to let problems pass by because we do not like to fight or make bigger consequences. We come to an agreement until we understand each other. I really like how we can always settle our disputes unlike other relationships that I had who were so called my friends. ââ¬Å"Friendship is the only thing in this world, the usefulness of which all mankind are in agreementâ⬠(Cicero, 1971). Any action taken into our friendship has always been our words and we always depend on the right act. ââ¬Å"A right act that is permissible for you to do. It may be either obligatory or optionalâ⬠(Fieser & Pojman, 2009). I think we have constantly picked obligatory because it is moral rather than optional. As a result I am happy we are still friends, through thick and thin. In completion, Ciceroââ¬â¢s philosophy on friendship is very convincing and true because I never really paid attention to it. It makes you realize a lot about who your real friends are and who are not.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Crocker on Ethnocentrism Essay
David A. Crocker asks the question of who should be tasked with the development of moral ethics on a global level, especially in regions where ethical thought is relatively shallow. If there was one way he would answer this question, he would state that a combination of ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠and ââ¬Å"outsiderâ⬠ethicists would find the best and culturally sensitive form of morality for particular cultures. For this to have any meaning however, a description is required for both ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠and ââ¬Å"outsiderâ⬠. An ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠, as termed by Crocker, is ââ¬Å"one who is counted, recognized, or accepted by himself/herself and the other group members, as belonging to the groupâ⬠(Crocker, 29). In regards to ethical thought of the group, Crocker outlines several advantages and disadvantages of being a predominant ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠. When a development ethicist is an ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠of a group they understand their past, present, and goals wh en it comes to moral thought, and can therefore help the group to develop (with ease on the topic of communication) in the most beneficial ways foreseeable in tandem with their beliefs. Along the lines of communication of an ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠, they have a foundation from which to criticize and rebuke negative actions of a group because of their familiarity with said groupââ¬â¢s customs and beliefs. However, ââ¬Å"insidersâ⬠do not come without inhibitions as well. ââ¬Å"Insidersâ⬠may become so immersed in their society and its customs that they are unable to expand their own, and their societyââ¬â¢s horizon on the topic of moral thought. Crocker argues that because of the familiarity of the culture, an ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠may be blind to factors that define a culture in an existential manner, ââ¬Å"Like a fish unaware of the water in which it continually swimsâ⬠(Crocker, 33). In essence, an ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠has an easy time familiarizing with their culture, but may have trouble assessing the culture from an unbiased manner. ââ¬Å"Outsidersâ⬠are the direct opposite to an ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠meaning they do not have a recognition or acceptance of the culture, or themselves within that culture. An ââ¬Å"outsider can be beneficial to a social group in the way the outsider canà assess the culture in an unbiased manner, and with this perspective, ââ¬Å"outsider-ethicist strengths are the mirror image of an insider-ethicist weaknessesâ⬠and therefore the ââ¬Å"outsiderâ⬠is able to give insight on the things the culture may be unaware of (Crocker, 35). ââ¬Å"Outsidersâ⬠are also able to bring out new ideas to a group based on their own culture, ideas the culture in assessment may not have even considered. The last advantage of an ââ¬Å"outsiderâ⬠is that they are not bound by the ââ¬Å"insiderââ¬â¢sâ⬠commitments to the group or status quo, and can therefore say things, or criticize things that a member of the group would not. Being an ââ¬Å"outsiderâ⬠has a list of negative attributes as well. ââ¬Å"Outsidersâ⬠do not have the same familiarity with the customs of the group and how certain actions affect them, and Crocker argues that these key understandings are ââ¬Å"relevant for progressive social changeâ⬠(Crocker, 34). ââ¬Å"Outsidersâ⬠who come from a more developed region and culture tend to put more trust in their own ideas and disregard the ingenuity of the group under assessment. In the long term, the groups that have an ââ¬Å"outsiderâ⬠ethicist may become dependent upon them for ideas, and thereby never becoming able to express their own ideas, and their own norms become weakened. David Crocker explains ethnocentrism as having 2 main concerns. The first he describes as being a ââ¬Å"habitual disposition to judge foreign peoples or groups by the standards and practices of oneââ¬â¢s own culture or ethnic groupâ⬠, and the second is described as the ââ¬Å"tendency toward viewing alien cultures with disfavor and a resulting sense of inherent superiorityâ⬠(Crocker, 27). Crockerââ¬â¢s accounts of ââ¬Å"insidersâ⬠and ââ¬Å"outsidersâ⬠do answer some of the concerns raised by ethnocentrism. Not one, nor the other is predominantly to blame for ethnocentrism, rather both ââ¬Å"insidersâ⬠and ââ¬Å"outsidersâ⬠demonstrate these negative aspects. ââ¬Å"Insidersâ⬠can reject any advice from an outsider with the existence of an a priori that gives the ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠the notion that ââ¬Å"nothing can be learned from an outsiderâ⬠. Outsiders exhibit ethnocentrism in the way they give more credit to the ideas of their own culture because it is often socio-economically more developed. Ethnocentrism in cross-culture assessment and dialogue, Crocker states, can be diminished by things like ââ¬Å"achievement of more equality between various centres and their corresponding peripheries, the recognition of dangers peculiar to insiders and outsiders, respectively, and the promotion of appropriate kinds of insider/outsider combinations inà development ethicistsâ⬠(Crocker, 35). Essentially an equilibrium in ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠and ââ¬Å"outsiderâ⬠ethicists. This is how he answers his question of whom is responsible for ethical thought, the correct combination of ââ¬Å"insiderâ⬠and ââ¬Å"outsiderà ¢â¬ ethicists. Bibliography Koggel, Christine M.. ââ¬Å"David A. Crocker.â⬠Moral issues in global perspective. Volume II: Human Diversity and Equality ed. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2006. 27-35. Print.
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